
Environmental technology

  • Create concepts for waste-air cleaning and optimisations
  • Consulting for industry and energy supply companies, municipalities
  • Execution of technical and economical feasibility studies
  • Create expertises
  • Planning and project management of waste-air and waste-gas cleaning plants
  • Create submissions, proposal and approval documents

Due to the increasing industrialisation, the demand on the environmental protection has steadily increased. The protection of the element air is the principal task of the ete.a. The engineers of the ete.a have set themselves the aim to develop ecological and economical solutions for the complex and ambitious flue gas purification in combustion plants and thermal processes at the context to the demand by law.

Environmental technology
Power engineering

ete-a · Ingenieurgesellschaft für Energie- und Umweltengineering & Beratung mbH
Hofgut Kolnhausen 12 · 35423 Lich · Hessen, Deutschland · fon: +49 (0)6404.658164 · fax: +49 (0)6404.658165
info@ete-a.de · www.ete-a.de

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