
Contract for Planing - SIDOR Luxemburg

The waste management in Luxemburg is controlled by three syndicate SIDEC, SIDOR and SIGRE.

Abfallverbrennungsanlage SIDOR (Quelle: SIDOR)Abfallverbrennungsanlage SIDOR (Quelle: SIDOR)

70% of the incoming waste are treated in a wte plant owned by SIDOR and operated by EEW. The wte plant located in Leudelange has a capacity of 175000 to Waste per year and produces electricity.

ete.a GmbH has been commissioned with the planing for the revamping of the current flue gas treatement systems, in accordance with the new BREF. 


ete-a · Ingenieurgesellschaft für Energie- und Umweltengineering & Beratung mbH
Hofgut Kolnhausen 12 · 35423 Lich · Hessen, Deutschland · fon: +49 (0)6404.658164 · fax: +49 (0)6404.658165
info@ete-a.de · www.ete-a.de

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